Monday, May 19, 2008


This past Saturday I spent the day in Nashville at Vanderbilt's track. My boyfriend's sister has an autistic son. His name is Kyle and he is 23 years old. Kyle had participated in the Special Olympics here in Clarksville back the first of May. He ran in the 100 yard dash and the 50 yard dash. He participated in the same two events this past Saturday at the state Special Olympics. He won the gold medal in the 50 and the bronze in the 100. Needless to say, he was very excited.
It was a beautiful day all around. Hanging out with the participants was such a humbling experience. I did not want to be anywhere else that day. I wanted to support Kyle, after all, he has supported my boys and his brother when they played baseball. I experienced a total different sports atmosphere. These athletes constantly had smiles on their faces, laughter, spirit, and support for their fellow athletes. It was awesome! When they crossed that finish line, they were so excited and happy. They had accomplished what they set out to finish. They did not have to finish first, they just wanted to finish. And when they finished, the roar from the supporting crowd gave me chills.
I had a fantastic time yelling when they would go by. They would smile so big when they heard their supporters...some would get so tickled by the audience they would lose their balance. And when they would line up on the podium to receive their medal they would dance.
If our children who have no disability would just have the same outlook as these fine athletes did, what a difference...If our parents would instow in their children the true meaning...what a difference. It is just having the mindset that you put your best into it, no matter what place you finished, but that you did finish makes a huge difference on one's outlook on life.
I learned much from those athletes on Saturday. I know I am running a race now, living day by day. We find ourselves wanting to give up and it is so easy to feel that way these days with how the world is.
But God wants us to run the race, stay focused on that finish line...finish...finish...I can hear Him and feel Him pushing me to that finish line just like those volunteers for the Special Olympics.
And then we can look into His glorious face and as He looks down into ours we can hear Him say, "well done good and faithful servant"
With admiration I want to thank all the volunteers who share their love and patience with these special athletes. You are my hero.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Middle Son Graduating

Well, it's here. Josh's graduating this coming Saturday (May 24) from high school. I have been upbeat and happy and just okay for the past months, participating in all his Senior year activities. This weekend it has hit me. I am emotional. I have talked to my sister and my stepmom today, in between sobbing that is. I can only imagine my emotions on Saturday around 3:00 pm when I have to watch a picture slide show of the Rossview High School class of 2008. I am very proud of Josh and his accomplishments throughout his eighteen years. Josh is a good boy. He has made good grades, chosen good friends, played sports, and has kept a good head when making decisions.
I think I am emotional because he has left this evening on his way to Bluefield, West Virginia. His father is driving him. He is going to meet with the baseball coach of Bluefield State College. This coach wants him to play baseball for him next year. He has offered him a scholarship. Bluefield State is an engineering school. Josh has talked about architecture as a major before. If he chooses to go to Bluefield State he will major in architectural engineering. He is really excited about this opportunity.
Josh just wants to play ball for somebody. He has a love for the game more than anyone I have ever met. I just pray he makes the right decision in choosing his school. I would love for him to play for someone too, but I also want him to get a good education. I want him to be happy and comfortable with his surroundings. I want him to study and realize his priorities. Here I go, a few sentences ago I said Josh was a good boy with a level head on his shoulders. Talking about being a typical mother...I pray for his sweet heart and that he will not be afraid to say no if he does not like the looks of the campus. I can hear him now ," moma, I want a play ball" "mom, I am eighteen, I know what I am doing and I know not to jump on decisions." Why can't I just let go and have faith not only in God but in my son. My pastor preached an awesome sermon on parenting this morning. When I left church, I looked at my Mike and said, " I am letting it go. I am at peace now." "God is in control." I told Josh I was at peace and I would support him in his decision. I told him to pray, that God has such great things for him but for him not to give up on God. Live for God.
Whomever reads this, please pray for Josh. Pray peace for him, for a safe trip, and pray that he feels God's love and guidance as he makes a BIG decision for his life. And pray for Josh's mom too. I have a feeling she needs it a lot more than Josh...and Josh would tell you the same thing!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Women's Show

Yesterday I spent the day in Nashville at the Convention Center. The annual Women's Show was this weekend. I have been three times in the last four years. I go with Mike's sister Lesa. We spend the day there pretty much. I had a good time yesterday. There was some good stuff. I watched a fashion show for women over 40...that was cool...I guess.
I am not into the botox, surgery, make me younger kind of thing.
I am struggling with my weight right now. I want a quick fix. I broke my leg three years ago this summer. I had to stay off that leg for 12 weeks. Needless to say, I gained quite a bit of weight. I am having trouble with losing and making the time to exercise. I work full time and by the time I get home, I am leaving for a baseball game. But don't get me wrong, I love going to ballgames.
Anyway, back to the show. Lesa convinced me to try this thing where you wear a patch around your "spare tire" area and walk around for 45 minutes, go back, get measured, and you will have lost inches, that's right, inches. The sign said, "it really works" Well, I was all excited thinking I was going to lose 3 inches and go home and Mike would be all tongue tied looking at my new figure. Lesa and I actually had our patches on for an hour and a half. We went back and got measured. I had not lost anything in one area, GAINED a 1/2 inch in another, and lost an inch in the other area. I was seriously thinking of signing up for this deal which would cost me about a 100+ dollars a month. I mean just think, I would lose INCHES without having to exercise a bit! It would just melt off! WHOO HOO! The more I thought about it the more I got turned off. Especially when it would hit my account once a month. So we walked away.

Another booth was selling the rubber bra, no straps thing. You know, the fake like boobs. I was kdding with Lesa and said they would probably not stay on me, they would fall off. Well she takes me seriously and blabs to the ladies ( who looked like manequins (sp) )
what I said. They were just "oh no" "they don't fall off" all serious like. I was thinking "okay plastics" One of them looked like Elvira from 1945. So I had to stand there and engage in a demonstration of how to put these "bra boobs" on and how they would stay put. Whatever...NEXT.

I also got to watch and listen to a presentation on some "zapper" that takes away lines and discoloration and all that good stuff without having to use botox injections. OK. This would cost me like $160.00 plus a month. I took my sister, Montee's advice and bought me some OLAY face product last weekend. I went on the OLAY website, filled out the questionare, got the reccomendation and headed to Walmart. I have used the product, which cost me $8.00, and have seen a difference in a week! Thanks Montee for sharing your opinion on OLAY products.
After my experience yesterday, I learned you don't have to spend a fortune on products to look nice.
I am at the point in my life where I am comfortable with me. I would like very much to lose 40 pounds for mostly health reasons. I am border line diabetic and lost my father when he was only 49 to a massive heart attack.
But the main thing is, I know God loves me. He made us all different and He loves each and every one of us unconditionally. He sees us all as His beautiful children, with all our shapes and
sizes. I don't want to interfere with his creation. I am not going to try and FIX anything. He does expect me to take care of his temple and I am going to work on that.
The only "Lifting" , "Fixing", "Straightning Out", or "Smoothing" I need will come from my Heavenly Father.
I left the Women's Show with some things, Egyptian bed sheets, nail polish, sore feet, and a new attitude.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

My boys

I am the proud mother of three boys. My oldest Matt, is 24. Needless to say, he has his own life now, he is... a man. He has matured a lot in the last couple of years and has become quite the father figure for my youngest son, Taylor who is 17. Matt has kept Taylor "on his toes" so to speak in the last several months.
My middle son, Josh, is about to turn 18 on April 20th. He will graduate from Rossview High School in May.
I guess I am trying to write about one thing with raising teenaged boys. There has been many a day I have felt like I was going to absolutely lose it! I have had days when I have felt I had lost control of my family. I felt no love or respect from the boys. I would find myself searching online for answers of why they act the way they do and why they do not respect me. I found all kinds of answers from different authors.
After my research and lots of prayer, I took a statement one of the author's had said and lived by it.
I learned that my boys are human, they are growing up, and they are trying to become young men and figuring out their place in life. That is what is causing the moodiness, not me, but them trying to become young men. So, I told myself to just love them as I always have and consider their personalities and respect their time they need. Now I understand why mother's want their children to stay little.
Just about the time I get concerned about my boys' love for me, I either get a phone call, more than likely a text message, or a walk in the door. Then I feel that overwhelming love for me.
Matt calls me every afternoon on his way home from work. He works in Nashville and lives here in Clarksville. He never hangs up until he tells me he loves me. He will often come by for supper.
Josh is the mellow, sensitive one. He will text me during the day to tell me his schedule and always ends the text with "I love you mommy." Still calls me mommy...
But the one that really touches me is when Taylor (my baby) will out of the blue text me with a Bible verse.
Taylor recently has gone through a situation with a good friend. He thought this person was his best friend but had recently done something that dissapointed Taylor. I will have to write about what happened in another blog. This is not the first time this friend has made Taylor think twice about hanging out with this boy.
On Thursday, Taylor texted me the following verse:
"He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." Proverbs 13:20.
This touched my heart beyond measure. To ever doubt that I have never made an impact on my boys just leaves my mind. And what is so awesome, is that Taylor took this verse and applied it to his situation with his friend and he is going to use it to guide him through his life. How good and awesome is our God!!! If I do nothing else on this earth, just let me be a witness for my children to teach them to love God above all else. As long as they know without Him they are nothing, that everything will fall into place in their lives, I feel I have done my job as a mother. " and do not forsake your mother's teaching. They will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck." Proverbs 1: 8

Thursday, April 3, 2008

What is up with Oprah?

My sister sent me an email from YouTube with a film of Oprah Winfrey. It was about her new Bible study. My small group leader had already sent me an email talking about this study with many warnings attached. I have just gotten the chance to watch the email Montee (my sister) emailed me. I am quite shakened and quite unnerved by what I just saw and heard. I guess the main thing I keep hearing is how when she heard God is a jealous God and how it affected her. She was asking "is God jealous of me"? What a stupid question. God is jealous because He does not want us, HIS children, to put or love anything or anyone before Him. He is jealous of that, definitely not of Oprah Winfrey. She has NO idea how big God really is. None of us can fathom His power. " You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God," Exodus 20: 4, 5.

When I witness these things or read what is happening in our world today, I get so defensive of my Heavenly Father and I want to just knock some sense into these people. All I know is, He is coming very, very soon! I am so excited and can't wait to see Him! Seeing this YouTube of Oprah just shows me it won't be long.